What are Survivors Benefits? – Funny Insurance Claims

It is possible to wonder how benefits that they are entitled to after you have divorced. These benefits are often called survivors’ benefits. They go to your spouse , or ex-spouse, if your marriage lasted more than 10 years. This video explains the concept of survivors benefits.

You may choose to take your social security early, but you will get lower benefits than you are entitled to receive. Anyone who qualifies for survivors benefits receive all of the money paid out by the person who died however, you have to have reached fully retired age to qualify for the whole amount. Spousal benefits can be drawn out as early as age sixty. Once you start drawing benefits the benefit amount is set and cannot be altered.

In the case of beneficiaries of survivorship it isn’t the gender that is a factor. The widow and the widower can qualify to receive benefits provided by their ex-spouse or spouse. There is no way to be eligible if your spouse and you have not been married for at least ten years. The date on which your divorce papers were filed will be the basis in determining if you’re eligible.


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